You may submit a purchase order when placing your new order if you prefer to be billed for your order. If you prefer to prepay for an order, or you are making a payment on an outstanding invoice, you can pay via credit card, ACH or wire transfer, or cheque or money order. Please note, all orders are billed in U.S.…
For your convenience, we offer multiple payment options*: credit card, purchase order, check or money order, and wire or ACH transfer. * International customers: Please visit our international ordering page or International KB section for ordering and payment information. Credit Card We accept VISA, Master…
What is a Purchase Order?" , we are sometimes asked. If you prefer to be billed for your order rather than prepaying by check or credit card, we are happy to invoice your organization on a 30-day term upon receipt of a valid agency Purchase Order (PO) authorizing the purchase. Purchase Orders are typically us…