If you are entering a savings code on our website during checkout and it isn't working, it may have expired. Savings codes are time sensitive and valid only for a limited time. Please check the terms of your offer for an expiration date.
Still valid?
If your special offer is still current, double check the savings code number. Savings codes are not case sensitive, but if your printed code is faded the following letters and numbers sometimes look very similar:
- the letter B and the number 8
- the letter O and the number 0
- the letter S and the number 5
If you're still having any trouble using your savings code online, please call our customer service team at 1-800-638-3775 Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET. If it's after hours, or you prefer email, please contact us here. Either way, we'll take care of you!
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